
To be Me at my Best

The Practical guide to finding your personal calling

Odelia Alexandrovitch

About the book

You were born,

Find out why.

To be Me at my Best presents a fun and easy method to finding your personal calling, developed by the author in years of experience as a personal trainer and lecturer,

as well as groups and workshops facilitator.

Step by step,

from one milestone to the next,

the guide will navigate you easily and successfully toward your personal calling and enable you to be at your best.

Price $ 35 Special offer $ 15 

If you want to make good decisions for your life,

and design your success,

this book is for you!

 Find happiness, contentment and satisfaction in life.

The guide helps you answer valuable questions that deserves your attention:

  • Find out what line of work is best for you?
  • What should you study?
  • In what can you Excel?
  • Which field will help you make the most money?
  • What type of life partner is best for you?
  • Where should you live?
  • What is the right path for you?

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